07 June 2009

Chris Bows Email To Herr Grube (Vice Chairman & Press officer for WUSV)

To: Heiko Chr. Grube
Subject: GB WUSV Team 2009
Dear Heiko;
I hope you are well and that you prevail in Deutchland! Things go well at our club and little Chris has grown in confidence and ability since his visit to you in Melle.
I am writing this note hoping that you will be able to offer me some good advice. I apologise for bothering you, as I am aware that you are a very busy man. You may remember I am Vice Chairman of the GSD League (Working Dog Group) in the UK; I write to you now, however, on a personal and confidential basis.
A situation has developed in the UK that threatens the future of dogsport here. I fully appreciate that you are unlikely to be able to take any direct hand in helping, but I would nevertheless appreciate your views.
As you may remember, when you came to England we discussed the problematical situation that exists here between the two British WUSV member clubs, the BAGSD and the GSD League. You may recall that both these clubs run entirely separate working groups, but that each club rotates alternate years, sending either 3 or 2 dogs to the WUSV World Championships. This has been the situation for a number of years, although the GSD League is evidentially the much larger organisation in terms of competitors participating in the sport in the UK.
As most of the members of the GSD League believe that separate selection process for WUSV is unsatisfactory and unfair, the League have robustly lobbied BAGSD in recent years with regard to holding fair and impartial joint Selection Trials. These approaches have been consistently rebuffed. It is now the belief of the Executive of the GSD League Working Branch Executive that;
a) BAGSD have no intention of ever agreeing to impartial joint Selection Trials
b) This is as a consequence of a small minority of powerful BAGSD members wishing to go to WUSV every year. This group is controlled by a Mr Stuart Nye. (Stuart was the guy you saw fail at WUSV 2008 in US)
This situation has now worsened; many of the successful and experienced handlers of the BAGSD have left and joined the League, as they are disillusioned by the behaviour of Mr Nye and his associates. As a consequence, the BAGSD selection process for WUSV participation this year has been of a very poor standard. This is illustrated by the following statistics; in a total of 3 Selection Trials, there were 12 entries.
BAGSD Qualifiers for WUSV 2009;
1) Mr Eric Roberts Trial 1 241 points; Trial 2 243 points; Trial 3 189 points (fail)
2) Mr Stuart Nye Trial 1 241 points; Trial 2 210 points; (Fail) Trial 3 189 Points (Fail)
3) Mr Dave Wooles Trial 1 161 points; (Fail) Trial 2 243 points; Trial 3 189 points (Fail)
At the last BAGSD Selection Trial, only 2 dogs qualified out of 11 entries.
We are aware that some BAGSD members are unhappy about this situation and indeed in the last twelve months three incumbent Chairmen of the VPG (BAGSD Working Arm) have resigned as a consequence of the BAGSD Executive’s decision to back Mr Nye and refuse to engage in discussion with the GSD League regarding joint selection Trials.
I would add that the GSD League has at this point held one of three scheduled 2009 Trials for it’s 2 WUSV places; all qualifiers (14 from 16) made more points than any of BAGSD’s Worlds Team at any of their Trials. The next League Selection Trial, judged by George Zum Felde, is oversubscribed with dogs on the waiting list.
On a personal level I am very saddened that our country will not be represented by the best dogs we have, after all the hard work of the last few years, especially as this great event takes place in the home of the breed this year. We are also now aware that BAGSD have refused to negotiate joint Selection Trials in 2010.
The motivation, I believe, for the BAGSD position is that the club is controlled by Mr Nye and his friends who will stop at nothing to access such events as WUSV year in and out. They are succeeding, and this is causing huge problems; many people like me feel that, should they qualify though the League selection process they would not take part as a matter of principle.
We have exhausted all avenues of reasonable, pragmatic approach in this matter; have you any ideas? (I would fully understand if you feel unable to comment).
Kindest Regard